Une intervention sur le serveur d’authentification est programmée jeudi 13 mars entre 11h30 et 13h.
Elle peut occasionner des problèmes de connexion sur Sciencesconf.
High dimensional approximation and PDEs (Markus Bachmayr)
Interactive Simulation (Klaus Hildebrandt and Jorg Peters)
Optimization on manifolds (Nicolas Boumal)
Sparsity, optimization and learning (Clarice Poon)
Advances in IGA and its applications (Jessica Zhang, Deepesh Toshniwal and Xiaodong Wei)
Nonlocal and geometric data analysis (Martin Burger)
Greedy and sparse approximation (Gustavo Garrigos)
Point configurations on curves and surfaces and related energy problems (Doug Hardin and Alex Vlasiuk)
Graphs embedded on surfaces (Arnaud de Mesmay)
Advances in PH curves and PN surfaces (Marjeta Knez)
Advances in phase retrieval (Rima Alaifari)
Optimal transport, shape analysis and geometry processing (François-Xavier Vialard)
Approximation and deep network (Johannes Schmidt-Hieber)
Advances in subdivision and applications (Costanza Conti)
Deep learning in geometry processing (Michael Bronstein)
Random matrices and approximation using function values (Mario Ullrich)
Call for contributions
We welcome contributions as oral presentations and posters. See the submission page for more details, and the important dates page for submission deadlines. Best poster prizes will be awarded.